How to clean eyes after LASIK

How to clean eyes after LASIK

If you have researched LASIK vision correction , you may be aware that the flap “never heals”.  Although this is not entirely correct as it is very difficult (but possible) to displace the flap even years after LASIK, it is not easy.   The important point is that it is much easier to displace the flap in the early weeks after LASIK.  So, if you wear make-up, you should avoid applying make-up for at least 3 days after LASIK and wear a shield over your eyes or sunglasses for the first week when napping  or sleeping to avoid inadvertantly displacing the flap.  When you are cleaning your eyelids, you should have your eyes closed and clean with very gentle pressure and never vigorously rub.   In fact eye rubbing can not only displace the flap, it may warp the cornea.  The force you would use to avoid popping a bubble is probably too ginger but the force to scrub a pot is much too vigorous.   Gentle soap (Basis) or baby shampoo on a warm washcloth should do the trick.   If you still have questions, give the office a call.